Eczema Action Plan Overview
If you have eczema (atopic dermatitis) you realize that your eczema flare can occur at any time. The condition of your skin can change from day to day, so using just one skin care regimen all the time does not make sense. You need to have the tool to manage your eczema when it is under good condition and when you have skin exacerbations. An eczema action plan can be an essential part of your tool.
Similar to asthma action plans or food allergy action plans, an eczema action plan can outline what measures including topical ointments or creams, oral antihistamines, or adjunctive gentle skin care guidelines to use depending on the condition of your skin. A discussion with your primary care provider or skin care specialist how to treat eczema flares is important for your overall skin health. Be sure to have available necessary therapies and consider using an eczema action plan to have a clear plan of attack to treat your eczema. Also important is when you should seek medical attention such as if there may an associated skin infection, or if your skin condition isn’t improving with the eczema action plan.
On this page is more information about eczema action plans. It is important to keep in mind that any eczema action plan that you use, should first be discussed with and written by your medical care provider.