This 30 minute module is designed to assist the school nurse in staff training of management of life-threatening allergic reactions and increase food allergy awareness for all school staff including teachers, food service personnel, administrators, aides, specialists, coaches, bus drivers, custodians and others.
“The needle is huge.”
The needle is shorter than the width of a dime and very thin.
Some school staff and students carry misperceptions about epinephrine auto-injectors. Some think that the needle is long, wide and painful. Some younger children, when asked, report that they think that the needle is as long as the length of the device. Addressing this myth can go a long way to ease fears not only in children but also in the adults that are trained to treat them.
Living Confidently With Food Allergy: Being Prepared: Chapter from parent handbook that discusses auto-injectors and involving children in age appropriate management skills.
“My Child is Afraid of Using The Auto-injector, What can I do?”: Allergic Living Q+A addressing auto-injector fear.