This 30 minute module is designed to assist the school nurse in staff training of management of life-threatening allergic reactions and increase food allergy awareness for all school staff including teachers, food service personnel, administrators, aides, specialists, coaches, bus drivers, custodians and others.
“Only students will experience allergic emergencies.”
Close to 10% of those requiring epinephrine in MA schools were staff or visitors.
School nurses and schools should keep this statistic in mind when creating and implementing policies and protocols that deal with allergic emergencies and anaphylaxis.
The Management of Life Threatening Allergies in School: Lessons Learned from Massachusetts. This piece drives home the importance of practical, well-thought out guidelines and data collection of mandated reporting of epinephrine administrations.It includes a discussion of the Massachusetts experience, a summary of recent data and a discussion of ongoing challenges.
Anaphylaxis: What School Staff Need to Know. Written supplemental material that supports the above training module. This is designed to reinforce key principles in the management and recognition of anaphylaxis by school staff.
- DATA HEALTH BRIEF: EPINEPHRINE ADMINISTRATION IN SCHOOLS. Massachusetts Department of Public Health Bureau of Community Health Access and Promotion. School Health Unit. 2009-2010.