Free Downloadable Food Allergy Posters:
Spread Awareness in Your School

Welcome to Posters at AllergyHome. Thank you for joining us in the pursuit of our mission: to keep children with food allergies happy and safe. Please share these free food allergy posters and help spread awareness and understanding through your communities. We use pop-culture and humor to deliver serious and important messages.
- General Awareness Posters: Emphasize the importance of managing food allergies
- Prevention Posters: Highlight key principles of avoidance to prevent allergic reactions from occurring.
- Preparedeness Posters: Emphasize the importance of being prepared for an allergic emergency.
- Support Posters: Encourage support and understanding among classmates and peers.
All of the posters can be downloaded for free as a color pdf to print out as 8 1/2″ x 11″ size.
See Wall with All of Our Posters